Only at Beppu Menkan
fiery eight chillies VS the slightly tamer four chillies
I too love spicy food but am just as contented at 4 chillies.
Even at 4 chillies, i had to stop in-between sips of the orange-red soup and mouthfuls of twirled noodles, to really enjoy my meal without any 'after-effects'.
I consider myself adventurous when it comes to food, but don't think i would ever venture to more than 4 chillies as i do not want to 'suffer' throughout my meal ;p (must enjoy my food!!.. food glorious food...)
Will order the paper steamboat my next trip there.
the yummy-liciously sweet soup... with that succulent prawn
Hahaha..Lovely article!
Maybe we should compile these and print it for our Knight as memento!
oh.. tat i leave it to u ;p
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