Happy bday to us!!

The birthday twins! Hmm.. i wonder which is the evil twin?! ;p
The birthday pressie!!??!
Althought i wasn't feeling well that weekend (thanks to the fever, flu, cough trio) i still had fun and it was one of the most memorable bdays ever! :p Wasted couldn't taste that black pepper crab orelse it'll be perfect!!! haha!!
hehe.. isn't the candles a giveaway??... ;Þ
not to fret?!.. the "b'day pressie" will take you to the black pepper crab you yearn so much... LOL
kor>> let's just hope ppl can't count! haha.. yealar.. next trip DEFINITELY kenot miss!! and u guys kept talking bout the crabs.. how not to yearn for it?!!
darling>> of course the watch played a biggie part!! *beaming* plus it's about rm50 more over here! *chirp chirp*
Hey you forgot to mention the bracelet?!?!
ooppss.. jgn marah.. and the bracelet too of course! hey, didn't take it out since i wore it that day!! ;p
oh yea almost forgot.. mom also said very nice :D
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