Bobby dear

A friend said that he would rather not have a dog than be miserable when losing it (after a bad experience with the death of his pet dog). He now prefers long-living pets like a tortoise!
But how can one compare a tortoise with a doggie?! A tortoise cannot express itself, would not greet you when you're back home (more likely hide in its shell), not loyal, not cuddly,... the list just grows.

Dogs are just the opposite and more! I don't feel silly making doggie-talks with Pepper (or Bobby.. sobs!) but will sure do if i decided to talk with a tortoise!
Death is a natural thing. Every living thing will die. I would rather go through the death of my pet dog, than not to have tasted the joy of being with one, and would definitely not trade my 13+yrs with dear Bobby for the world.

Like the saying that goes something like this - better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Dogs, they truly are a man's (and this girl's) best friend!
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