Pepper and her annual jab
Brought this cutie to the vet earlier for her annual booster. She is so not a car-doggie,.. with her whimpering and shivering in dad's arms.. not to mention shitting too! Eww..
But have to give her credit for not moving a muscle or making a sound when receiving her shot. Good girl! If Bobby.. sigh.. he would whimper even before receiving the jab. Miss him :(
Anyway back to Pepper. She got her nails clipped too... err.. but far from ur manicure and pedicure! The vet asked her to be weighed - Pepper's 11kg, about 3.5kg extra than the recommended weight for her type. Obesity is common for a neutered female. So have to really be careful of her food and to exercise more, orelse she'll suffer in old age. All too familiar huh?!! And the doc mentioned about being wary of protein intake. Hmm.. i was like hello.. do you mean simple carb doc?!
yes yes yes I agree, my previous dog died of diabetes ... can u believe it the viet told me so..
poor thing... how old was ur dog then?
poor pepper... need to go on a diet... n exercise too!.... :P
if bobby.... it's more like he'll "scream" even before the needle reaches his skin!... cunning.... haha..
Oh My Daschund was 10 years old when we noticed he had a lump on his tail and subsequently the viet doc told us about his blood sugar during op.
ya btw if you guys are interested to pick up diving .. please do so before end of September. We have a trip to Manado and Lembeh , North Sulawesi in end of September .. Its one of the best place I have dived in.
haha.. bobby, the great pretender!
oh scian, didn't know urs was a dashchund too.
dharm's interested in diving but dun think would have time for lessons before end Sept - with his exams and all.
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