Pearly & Dharm

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


What does one understand with neo-retro fashion? Hmm.. retro yes we know, but retro with a 'neo'? Err.. wild guess.. retro with a touch of matrix? haha! Or does it simply mean retro?

Anyway a quick webcheck on wikipedia tells that neo-retro is NOT retro, the opposite really - an artistic style that tries to produce something new based on classical designs and processes, unlike retro being something that is brought back from the past. Hhmmm.. but i still don't quite get it!

It seems like the meaning of neo-retro is up for interpretation. Is it bold fashion that screams loud colours? Or some futuristic style ('spaceman' wedding gown? LOL). What about some pretty laces? That is making a comeback and definitely have some classical charms. Yea i think i'll just settle with that! And now let me go dig out and see if i have any lace stuff... orelse... *smiley*


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