The ring
Looking for that perfect ring can be fun.. and nerve-wrecking. Especially when doing the hunting in a small town like Melaka, and more so when you've scouted around outside Melaka!We went window shopping for rings in a certain not too distant island just few weeks back. We were pleasantly surprised with the excellent treatment given, complete with a serving of hot tea each. The sales assistants were polite, courteous and they really know their stuff (unlike those here - will elaborate later). Of course we were spoilt for choices too - easily saw a few that we like.
Then a few days back we went looking, this time in Melaka - went to three shops (not that we have much choice). All were equally disappointing (sorry la for being fussy!!). The choices for wedding bands are hopeless. One particular sales person didn't even understand the word 'wedding band'. And when u saw something that u favour, of course they'll take it out for you... forget the wiping - i can do without that, but some even forgot the tray - the stray rings would then be on the glass counter. And when you have a look at the chosen ring, some wouldn't promote further - they'll just go mute. Hellooooo!!!
Then there's that arrogant store manager, who's living in his syok-sendiri narrow world but thinks he's the world. I so cannot stand him! He pioneered statements like "you prefer thin bands now, but later in life you'll prefer thicker ones - wedding bands are meant to be forever" (so if i prefer a thin one, i must still choose a thicker one cos to suit me later on!?!! knock-knock.. anything up there in his puny brain?!) And nowadays couples are even offered the options of changing the bands after a few years. He should thank his lucky stars that he's still running his shop with that kind of attitude (i'm-right-and-you're-wrong mindset, downright cocky). Perhaps there' so little competition here. Or simply his selective behaviour towards certain customers - we were the lucky few.. weeeee!!